Monday, November 15

Stay the Night

We spent the night together Saturday night. Mark went to his brother's bachelor party dinner, but opted out of the gambling in Milwaukee and came to stay the night with me. We sat and watched Harry Potter (the 5th and 6th ones) because he hadn't seen them yet. And I fed him left over lasagna by the end of the night. He thought it was delicious, I told him his taste buds were retarded or totally skewed because it was a single serving microwave dinner kind of thing.
Anyways, back to Harry Potter:
Having seen the movies, hear about them, and read their cooresponding books I wasn't too kean on watching them again, but I complied. I had told him to pick out a movie, and not wanting to argue over it or decide for three hours I said totally. His commentary on the 6th was a lot more than hilarious. He didn't like the pointless relationship sub-plots, and thought they were too prominent in the movie. He was right.
It was hard not to tell him what was going to happen when he was talking about his thoughts on how the next movie would go, and wondered mildly how it would end. (He, unlike me, hasn't read all the books so he doesn't actually know). But it was hard for me not to give any spoilers out.
After that I told him I wanted to go to bed, and I did, I'd slept through half of the 6th movie and "snored in my ear like this-" Mark said, then pressing his face to mine, making light, fuzzy snoring noises. I just laughed, only a little embarassed because he thought it was funny and cute rather than gross and annoying.
It was nice to have his arms around me all night. And I mean, ALL NIGHT. Almost like the times I spent the night with Gio. Though the bed I slept in with Gio was much bigger and a thousand times more comfortable. Plus Gio didn't sleep all night without moving much or making a peep. But it was just as nice. Different than the last time i spent the night with a boyfriend, but still wonderful.
Waking up is always the best. There was a lot of laughter and we sat there together a while and he tried to defeat a puzzle game I'd shown him a little while back. I helped him the last time he tried it, and we won it together. Then we went out for breakfast where nothing too exciting happened but it was a nice, still fun. Then he dropped me off back home and went to his friend's to watch football.
Overall a good time I think <3

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