Sunday, May 23

Facebooking Records of the Bad 'B' Word

B- I practically stalk you on facebook, just so I can feel closer to you. I visit your FB almost every day, just to see if you've posted anything new, see what you're doing, or if you saw me, and cared to mention it. I keep hoping deep down that you will...
I remember the first time I looked at your profile, amongst the rubbish I saw:
"Just cleaned out my inbox and saw messages from an ex who i was madly in love with....:'-("

I wondered if you meant me, we used to email and stuff so much... and that was it, i came back nearly every day just to see if you posted anything new. If you mentioned me, if you thought of me, what you were doing and whatever else... then I saw:
"...cant get her to notice me. dis sucks guess ill move on. nothing else now"

And i decided you would never want me again, though I've stayed faithful to your FB and look at that status every time I went. The more I wondered who the girl you were talking about was, the more I hoped it was me, and the more I THOUGHT it was me.
I look at you/in your direction a lot when I walk into school. I know where you stand so well i can almost picture you there before I show up. You always seem to be looking to, or maybe its just me, but it always feels like you look back at me, like you wait to see me every morning, like i wait to see you.... I may not love you anymore, but my heart is still in your cruel hand, holding me back from really loving anyone else.... even Gio. I hate to say it, but sometimes I only feel like I'm pretending to love Gio...and that makes me so irrevocably sad.
B- Just get out of my heart.

Nora if you're reading this, dont get upset... & please don't tell Gio, I dont wanna hurt him anymore...

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