Saturday, May 15

Notes to Norah

While she was in Tennessee, where she's moving to much too soon, I got a sick feeling in my stomach, and I had to tell her what was on my mind.
"Nora, I have something to say. I LOVE you. You're my BEST friend, no one can come close to you, not Joeseph, not Zoey, Amy, Gio, anyone. And I'm really scared to lose you. I love you. I wish you didn't have to go, but at the same time, I'm so excited for you to start the new chapter in your life..... These next couple weeks will be so precious to me, because I'm afraid they're going to be made of the last times i get to spend with you for at least a really, really, really long time. :/ I love you, Nora, and no matter how far apart we are, nothing can change that. I just wanted you to know that now. Before you go... :] ♥"

She replied:
"And and I want you to know that you are so near and dear to me, Arielle, and you are a truly wonderful person, there would never be another like you! I would never replace you with anyone, no one could fill the shoes! And i so agree, i am scared, excited, happy and sad, to be leaving, but i know this isn't going to be the last i see of you, or of anyone else! and i plan on spending a load of time with you before i go, because i will miss you oh so very much, and i have faith in you that you will do well without me, and i want you to know that i am always just a phone call away, and hopefully when you get a cell phone, and text! haha :P But I'll love you to the end, you are my best friend! :D ♥"

In all honesty, Nora is my rock. That's just it. We've been friends for about 7 years, and she's been with me through it all. I couldn't bear to lose her. I just couldn't do it! I mean.... Even when I was so messed up, and all i could do was growl and snap at her, and she thought she would have to part from me to keep going on, she stayed. Something in her knew I needed her more in those moments than she needed to get away. The entire time I was with the Bad 'B' Word, she was with me, voicing her opinions when she knew i was unhappy, and lying to me when i looked happy. I thank her for that. But I wish I had listened to her every day of my life now.
But seriously, Nora seems to know things about me that I don't know about myself. She understands people, way better than I ever could, she knows when they're poison, she's just.... too much to say in one small blog... I just don't know what I'll do without her.
I've taken our friendship for granted for a long time. The saying, you dont know what you got until its gone? Sorta true, only for me, I feel like I didnt know what I have until she's packing all her stuff into little boxes and making trips back and forth to Tennessee, ready to start her new life. She says she thinks I'll be just fine without her, but Tennessee is so far from Wisconsin... too far....

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