Wednesday, October 20

Ég er að læra íslensku

I am learning Icelandic (Translated on Google because I can't do proper sentence structure and verb conjugation and what not just yet.)
I'm going to be teaching myself to speak icelandic.
Ég elska þig
I love you

I think it will go well. But I don't know yet. It sounds/looks a lot like Danish, and the words were easy to figure out and pronounce so that was cool. I just wish I had a teacher.That would probably make things nicer and easier.
I want to keep studying it. I hope I can do like yesterday while i'm at school and pick out words and know what they mean just by looking at them and listening to them on youtube. Silly way to learn a language I know, but its not so bad. I'll probably only learn so much though, because you can't learn everything from youtube. But that's okay. They don't even have an Icelandic "Rosetta Stone" which is stupid considering they brag about having all the languages and junk in their bogus commercials. It's all okay though, I guess. "Rosetta Stone" is expensive as hell though.
I think studying Icelandic will be a touch easier than it would be because I've already studied a second language. I wonder if languages get easier to learn the more languages you know. Does that make sense? I wonder if the more languages you know, the easier they are to learn. The easier it is to learn new ones. That would be nice. I imagine that, to an extent, it would be harder with languages that are really similar, like Italian and French/Spanish. They're ultra similar, so I guess they'd get a little mixed up.
I'd also like to learn Russian and German. Maybe Italian.
I love how I always avoid Spanish, you know, the useful language in America :|
That's REALLY gonna bite me in the ass eventually. Maybe I wanna learn Finnish too, though, I imagine it's a lot like Icelandic.
Random thought: What to they speak in Greenland? Greenlandic? I don't suppose so. I'll have to Google that quarry.

Languages I wanna know:
French (which I already have a good/okay knowledge and understanding of)
Maybe Italian
In all I wanna know 6-7 languages. Oh learning will be fun! If there are any courses at school I WILL take them! Well,maybe not ANY courses. My mama's got lots of German books. French ones too. This is gonna be awesome if I ever get to know these languages well.

Answer to random question: Danish.

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